Regenerative Injections

Injection of platelet rich plasma, oxygen, and ozone heal joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  The injection oxygenates and repairs tissues while resetting painful nerves.

How Many Injections Do I Need?

With Platelet Rich Plasma plus Oxygen Injections few treatments are needed.  With Oxygen only Injections more treatments are needed and more frequently.  Every injury is different.  

Ozone Injection, Injection for Pain, Pain doctor lincoln ne, regenerative injection, prolozone injection

How Frequently Are Injections Done?

For minor sprains and injuries patients do injections as needed.  For moderate to severe soft tissue healing frequency depends how inflamed the area is and other factors.

What Issues Respond Best to Regenerative Injections?

Shoulders, carpal tunnel, ankles, and non-weight bearing body parts respond Best in regenerative injections.  Knees, Hips, and Spines take more sessions and certain patients heal better than others.

Make Your Appointment

See our Price List for costs of injections, our sessions usually last 15 to 45 minutes depending on the number of joints involved.  Call us today to find what regenerative injections can do for you!

Want whole body inflammation control?  Learn about our intravenous 10 Pass Ozone Therapy and EBOO Ozone Therapy for accelerated healing, which increases the healing effects and speed of regenerative injection therapy.

Don't have any good veins?  We do the highest dose Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy available at 1.5 ATA's pressure of oxygen, where you relax in the soft chamber and read a book, watch a movie, or take a nap while you heal.


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