Ionic Foot Detox Bath

Ionic Foot Detox Bath


The idea of using Ionic foot baths is gaining popularity, with many praising its benefits to overall health. What exactly is an ionic foot detox bath and what are its advantages? Ionic Foot Baths detoxifies your body and improves the overall health of your body.

It is a great treatment for conditions like allergies, asthma, and arthritis. In this article we'll look at the research behind this treatment option and review some of the research that has been conducted on its effects. Learn more about how this incredible machine functions and what you can do to reap the benefits yourself!


A new trend has been spreading across the country with ionic foot detoxes. It's possible you don't recognize the term however, you've probably seen the informational videos about feet patches, or baths that draw all the wastes from the body through your feet and leave you with a foot patch or bath that is full of the brown fluid (or toxic substances). However, theres far more to it.


Ionic foot therapy is connected to research that was conducted by Royal Raymond Rife, an American inventor believed to have invented bioelectric medicine. The theory he proposed suggested that viruses could be eradicated in the event that they were exposed in the proper resonance frequency which is similar to glass breaking down due to the high pitched voice of an soprano.

The purpose of these detoxes for the feet is to help make your body's pH "alkaline," but what exactly is the significance in being alkaline?

A healthy body that is alkaline is vital to the health of a person. The body is acidic and diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Therefore, the less acidic your body is , and the more alkaline it is, the less susceptible to contracting diseases, such as osteoporosis, cancer, autoimmune, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, etc.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 85 percent of all illnesses result from toxins and pollution within our bodies. The human body performs best when Ions are in balance, with 80 percent negative and 20% positive. So, how can you achieve this?

The things we put into our bodies, like the food we eat can have alkalizing or acidic qualities. Water quality with minerals supports our acid/alkaline balance, where disregulation of minerals puts us at risk for low oxygenation and acidity buildup. 

If you do find an "Ionic Foot Detox Near Me" when you search google, know it will aid the natural cleansing processes of the body and improves your immune system. Ionic detox helps aid in the process of alkalization through an ionization process which helps to eliminate free radicals from the body, which it does through both electricity and molecular hydrogen, meaning two hydrogen atoms bonded together. At One Natural Health we combine ionic foot baths with commercial quality platinum arrays along with molecular hydrogen breathing treatments and molecular hydrogen infused drinking water. This makes the ionic cleanse exponentially stronger and allows the body to detox faster and with less detox symptoms. 



Ionic foot baths will soak your feet (or hands) with molecular hydrogen, therefore allowing a change in PH to occur.  The detox will continue to alkalize the body for up to 48 hours following the treatment through urination and sweating which is an additional benefit. You should avoid eating or drinking food that is acidic after treatment in order to aid in the process of detoxification. This is crucial to help the body's process of alkalizing. You cannot just walk to the doctor and say you're fixed. You must be a part of the process of establishing your health. 

Other effects that have been scientifically documented by this detox, in addition to the alkalization effect, which are reduced blood sugar levels as well as reduced cholesterol levels. A study from 2008 conducted from the Center for Research Strategies showed the levels of aluminum in participants to have decreased by 46% and arsenic levels decreased by 24%, on average.


During the bath hydrogen ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the feet. Once entered into the body, these negatively charged ions act as an potent antioxidant against damage, stress, and free radicals. Antioxidants are able to act as electron donors, they readily surrender electrons to free radicals, neutralizing the free radical and ending its electron stealing reaction that occurs in disease. Once the free radical is neutralized, it can be removed from the body. Negative molecular hydrogen ions ac as “free radical hunters”, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could result in pain, inflammation, fatigue, acidity, low oxygen utilization, cancer, and chronic disease.

In order to reverse this free radical damage the organs that help rid your body of wastes, metals, and toxins must be supported.  Until supportive treatments begin these detoxification organs become overloaded with toxins they can not get rid of as fast as they are entering the human body.  By supplementing the high concentration of negative hydrogen ions produced by the Ionic Foot Detox, you will aid your body’s detoxifying organs by neutralizing stored toxins, pesticides, and metals


Ionic foot detoxes are a method to eliminate potentially harmful elements from your body, where you are able to remove heavy metals and other toxins that have built up within your body over the course of time.  The majority of people are using the foot detox to cleanse their bodies and boost overall well-being.  A subset up chronically ill patients have been unable to remove heavy metals from their bodies for many years, which is why doing ionic foot baths under the care of a provider with multiple avenues of detoxification is important.  Without proper whole body support some toxins struggle to leave the body during therapy and will try to redeposit back into other body tissues, which is why therapies at home are not advised for sick patients. As high amounts of heavy metals have been shown to leave the urine for hours up to 5 days after Ionic Foot Detox Spa Baths, proper hydration is vital in flushing out the maximum number of heavy metals, where these patients benefit from multiple foot baths/hand baths per week along with other detoxification support treatments.


Everyone wants to know the reason why the water turns a different color when you take the detox foot bath? This is actually do to ionic changes from the metal array that is passing the current and allowing the production of the molecular hydrogen. Yes, there are impurities in the skin that come out and will change between individual treatments, but this is not the real reason for the water change. Excessive brown water may also be due to impure metals in the bath array materials. Our detox baths are often not discolored due to the fact that we use proper platinum array material that is rare in the foot detox bath world. 


The Ionic Spa Foot Bath Session is a method that makes use of negative ions to rid the body of the toxins.

The majority of people benefit from this treatment, since it's gentle and secure. It is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from digestive problems, skin issues and yeast infections, as well as fungal infections, Lyme Disease, exposure to heavy metals, constipation, liver or gallbladder histories, cancer, and many others. 

We most often utilize true ionic detoxes and employ them in our work specifically with Lyme patients and chronically constipated patients in order to improve their toxin detoxification pathways.


For anyone who has been a regular spa user that a great foot cleanse can be beneficial to overall health and well-being. However, how often do you need to allow your feet to rest? The answer might be a surprise. While cleansing your feet twice every week is usually advised and can be cut back as detoxification pathways are opened up in the patient.

The main reason to take a frequent bath for our bodies are exposed to more chemicals and toxins than ever in history due to glyphosate, coal burning, cloud seeding, aluminum exposure in deodorant, tin foil, packaged foods, and so on. Therefore we benefit from a regular detox which removes away toxins and improves the overall health of the body.


If you're in search of an incredibly comfortable treatment for your feet that can to improve your overall health, then an Ionic foot bath is an ideal choice for you. Ionic foot detoxes are simple to make use of and provide many advantages that will make your feet feel refreshed and revitalized. NOTE: Proper hydration for up to 5 days following the ionic foot detox is the most important step as heavy metals and pesticides such as Aluminum, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, and Glyphosate will be expelled through the urine for many days following the treatment. This means proper urination as well as regular bowel movements will lead to the highest detoxification results.


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