10 Side Effects of Cord Cutting


10 Rare side effects from Cord Cutting

Is a relationship from your past is plaguing your present?

What if you can’t stop thinking about a certain person or how they made you feel.

Are you ready to sever ties to a hostile work relationship?

In an effort to tidy your vibrational space, you’re thinking about doing an energetic cord-cutting.

You’re aware of the positive aspects of the process, but what about potential negative symptoms after cord cutting?

Why Do You Experience Symptoms After Cord Cutting?

When cutting energy cords is effective, you may experience “post-operational” symptoms.

Why? Because it’s like having surgery, but instead of a body part  being nipped and tucked, the body's energetic field is getting the upgrade.

Science has shown the following is true:

  1. Everything in the Universe is made of Energy.
  2. Mammal brains use wavelengths to perceive the world. 
  3. Studies show that people who engage in regular meditation change their brainwaves.
  4. We create vibrational or energetic bonds with the world and people around us.
  5. Which means cutting energetic ties to others or things results in energetic displacement.

10 rare side effects of Cord Cutting

Overall, cord-cutting is a healing helpful process that makes a world of difference in your emotional and physical well-being down to your soul.  However, familiarizing yourself with the associated pros and cons is the responsible approach.  In that spirit, we outline ten potential temporary side effects of cord-cutting.

1. You Feel a bit of Heartache

After a cord-cutting ceremony both sides can experience minor temporary heartache. Even though you’re confident in the decision to cut ties, you undoubtedly have emotions about the person. After all, this person profoundly impacted your life, for better or worse — usually both. 

Tip: Prepare for the possibility by setting self-soothing plans after the cord cutting. 

If you love to run, tie your laces and hit the pavement, or watch a favorite comedy on Netflix. Just make sure it’s something that helps you relieve stress and helps usher you to a feel-good place.

2. You Feel Nostalgic for the Severed Soul

People enter our lives for a time and purpose, so it’s not unusual to feel sadness over distancing from someone you have cared for. In these instances, let yourself grieve the change of the relationship. Don’t fight it. Let your emotions cycle through. It’s all a part of the transformation process.

Tip: When you feel your decision is correct, stand confident in your choice. Even if you did make a mistake by cutting ties with a given individual, you must accept the decision and understand that it was the right move for the time with the information you had. Needed ties or twin flame ties that are meant to be will find a way to reconnect when the time is right. 

3. You Endure a Profound Energetic Shift

Energetic shifts are common after cord-cutting ceremonies. Most times, they’re a welcome bonus that alleviates a debilitating weight.  Rarely though, they’re draining and may cause a touch of anxiety. Why? Because your body still needs to catch up with your changed vibrational field.  This effect can be particularly intense after a twin flame cord-cutting.

Tip: Dust off your mindfulness tools. Meditate for five to 20 minutes, journal, go walking, and mind each step. These types of exercises will help center and tame your energy field.

4. The Bond May Grow Back Stronger

There are two schools of thought on this. One side says that a severed cord can never grow back. Others believe they can indeed regenerate — and sometimes grow even stronger.

While possible, regrowth isn’t a common occurrence. But it is something of which to be aware before starting the process. 

Tip: If the undesirable bond spouts back, consider the possible reasons why. Do you genuinely want to break the connection? Is it so strong that you must enlist a professional to sever it? Also, explore other ways to make peace with the entity you’re attempting to cut. 

5. The Bond May Never Grow Back

Above, we discussed the possibility of a cord growing back. Well, the opposite is also true: it may never be restored, (which is most often the goal). 

As such, it’s vital to soberly assess the reasons you want to be free of another soul long term. Are you merely going through a rough patch, or is the situation more serious and worthy of an everlasting break?

Only you know the answer. But remember that your conscious opinions are tainted with faulty memories and biases; plus, a confused ego may be in control if you’ve yet to tackle your subconscious mind through quantum energy healing.

Take time to meditate on the issue and consult your higher self. Ultimately, take your time in deciding before an energetic cord-cutting with an energy healer.

Tip: Cord cuttings are serious business, before performing one, think long and hard if you want the other person out of your life for good.

Ask yourself tough questions like: Am I the problem here? Is something causing them to act out that I don’t know about? Could I be throwing away a helpful connection on the whim of a silly tantrum?

6. It May Not Work

Not all cord cuttings work. While all ties can be severed (one way or another), some require more effort and more energy sessions. Moreover, your energy may not be up to the task on a particular day — which means it was not the time for the complete cord to be severed yet.  Try not to get discouraged. It doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to cut the cord, instead, this is a lesson about patience and purpose. Look at the situation neutrally and realize that the time wasn’t right yet.

Tip: Don’t lose faith in the process if it doesn’t work in the first session or two. Eventually you’ll severe the negative energy cord for good. Spiritual work is no different than any other type of work: it takes practice.

7. You May Feel Physically Off or mildly Ill

You may feel queasy or nauseas after a successful cord-cutting. Since the energy attached to you has changed, you need to readjust, which can lead to physical symptoms momentarily. If the symptoms persist notify your energy healer.

Tip: Treat cord-cutting sickness as you would any other. Get rest, hydrate, only eat when hungry, and allow your body to heal. It knows what to do and simply needs time and space to get it done.

8. You Feel Unbalanced or off for a Bit

After a cord cutting you may have troubling focusing as you process the change in the connection, which can be uncomfortable, this is energy shifting and attention or focus moving to help the body heal.

Tip: Understand that what you’re experiencing isn’t dangerous or a sign of something fatal. But since the sensation is disorienting, it’s best to rest or take a nap, which usually clears the situation quickly.

9. You May Discover It’s You

It’s the last thing you want to hear, consider, or believe, but a cord-cutting may not work because you’re the root of the clash, not the person you pinned it on.  This realization could manifest itself in several ways. You may receive an undeniable message, or things could start going worse in your life because the person you thought was harming you was actually a helpful force. 

If this is your story, don’t worry. You can always invite positivity in. Everything is forever shifting — including the ground on which we stand and build cities.  Thankfully, impermanence is the foundation of existence. As such, you can overcome. And with effort, you’ll go on to lead the life of which you dream.

Tip: If you reach a point where you can take a deep breath and admit it was you, pat yourself on the back a million times over. It’s not easy to do, so much so that most people never accomplish the feat.

But those who can own their faults and bad behavior are, ultimately, the winners — because the knowledge gained superpowers incredible growth.

10.  Your life becomes infinitely free

The most common side effect is a freeing of your true soul, your positive energy, and your connection to the universe (God), and energy between us all.  Rarely are their negative side effect to cord cutting, but when they do occur, these are short-lived and overwhelmed by the multitude of positive effects you will feel.  Learn about our quantum energy healing with cord cutting included today!


Cord cutting is a powerful tool for realigning your soul, spirit, and energetic field. The potential gains are huge with very little and temporary side effects.   Think of it this way according to Mayer’s Law of Energy Conservation, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So, something will come along and manipulate the energy eventually, this means it is up to you if your present place in the universe is a negative or positive experience.  Make it a positive energy starting now.


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